Sunday, March 8, 2009

Saturday Night Special, Sunday is Kid's Day

So before I get to the regular stuff, I wanted to mention I saw Watchmen last night. I'll get around to putting up the painful review. It will be like prying the wings off of a small insect. Look forward to it!!

[note: the links below that contain a (2) or (3) have been linkbun.ched from 2 or 3 links]
But for now Sunday is Kid's Day . . . is Kid's Day . . . is Kid's Day. I've been meaning to post something of an ode to the pregnant imagination of childhood, the host of whimsy. And boy do I have a list of stuff to hoist on your grey matter, starting off with a big salute to yesteryear cartoonists: Hergé(3), Mary Tourtel & Alfred Bestall of Rupert, Mordicai Gerstein, Crockett Johnson(3), C.C. Beck(2), Moebius(2), and the inimitable Winsor McCay(3). I am gaining interest in Amelia Rules!, Aki Alliance by Ryan Estrada, as well as Akiko/Miki Falls creator Mark Crilleywhose work I've known about for about 10 years. Also the charming macabre of: Emily, Coraline, Edward Gorey and Stefan Bucher of Daily Monster. Do any of these artists and creators have inherent relevance to each other? Hardly, they just top my list as people with superlative imaginations. I'm sure there's more, but of time and space there is not much.

Last but not least a tribute to the wonderful imaginations of Audrey Kawasaki, Amy Sol, Barnaby Ward, and Jason Levesque.

Before I forget have you been to: or Welcome Friend or Foe?

And now Things I love about Canada: Corner Gas, Kate Beaton, Bryan O' Malley, Rhodes Brothers, O Canada Shorts, poutine, Gabrielle Miller (don't be lazy find your own links. besides i'm tired.)

and then there's vid-joes

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