Today's SAN will be brief (as if that ever really happens) since tomorrow will be my 29th birthday and I'll be taking the day to celebrate, starting with lunch with my sister. I'll be celebrating my first birthday as a non-smoker since this past December. Let me tell you, the nightmares haven't disappeared so it seems now the struggle for my soul is reaching the crisis point. Please pray for me.
My birthday wishes go out to the late Al Hirschfield, Burke Breathed of the legendary Opus, Bloom County, and Outland strips; the inimitable Pete Rock; the talented Jim Breuer, and the scores of others who add a tick mark to their internal calendar today.
My old buddy Marc who now goes by the name Dj Marc, invented this summer mix:

DJ Marc - Summer Classic
Last night I lost a lot of sleep trying to figure out how to shift my entire zune library over to a flash drive, interspersed with watching R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet 1-22 (comedy gold!!). The problem still remains that my zune collection will not see files from the flashdrive, and I am left to wonder if the flash drive being FAT32 has something to do with it. For those of you unfamiliar with file allocation systems, I did not just make a derogatory obesity statement toward my flashdrive. Just sayin'.
I am searching for a great deal on an entry level graphics tablet. I was looking at those VisTablet's until I read all the negative reviews about people from the company spamming review forums. Bamboo's are still affordable, but I'm holding out for something . . . unique. If anybody knows of a great deal on an Intuous refurb or something, please send me a message. I want to make some beautiful art for you people!
Earlier this week I cut my wrist trying to sneak back into my apartment through the window. This old window was so ghetto that I used to be able to bend the frame so that the latch disengaged and the window would slide, but the window decided to shatter this time. And let me tell you, building windows do not shatter into tiny harmless pebbles like car windows, or like in action movies. No, they shoot out at the veins of your wrist and slice the flesh out of you.
I have some wonderful screen caps to share of a now new favorite classic action movie I caught this week: James Bond - Live and Let Die

I'd never seen this particular Bond film before, but as far as corny blaxploitation bond films go this one is par exellence. And did ever mention that Jane Seymour is a stone cold fox?

Oh Yeah! I also caught Tomorrow Never Dies and let me say this: Michelle Yeoh is similarly smokin' hot.

Next week I will be getting into a topical discussion about comic pulp heroes Nick Fury and The Terror, and hopefully showing off a little bit of my art.
Enjoy your Sunday!
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