I also fulfilled 2 childhood impossible yearnings. I can now play just about any Turbo Graf-X game I want to, and read just about any Uncanny X-Men comic. I know, geektastic.
I like short stories, and the AV Club, and Neil Gaiman; and he tweeted that he was on this list: http://www.avclub.com/articles/the-10-best-shortstory-collections-of-the-00s,35747/
Wilderness by Tannojoko
Ace has a tumblr: http://technophiliac.tumblr.com/
Man, this is so late, and so scattered. I'm sorry. I've been subsumed with work, random sleep patterns, reruns of Criminal Minds, shopping for graphic tablets & wireless headphones, reading Hokuto Shinken/Jojo Manga, and trying to catch up on an endless list of things I've been curious about. I'm not even sure when my library rentals are due back. I do know I missed my chance to pick up the first volume of Scott Pilgrim. Whaaaaaat? You've never read Scott Pilgrim?!? What kind of Bryan O' Malley fan are you?
The kind that goes to San Diego Comic Con to get him to draw this:

You may not know this, but I draw stuff from time to time.

Maybe I'll get around to scanning the stuff I sketched during Bryony's stickam session. Oh yeah, btw this is the 51st post since I started blogging, and soon my first year online will be a reality. Who knows what I might accomplish in this coming year? Yay me for not smoking! I am definitely a more creative person because of it! You hear that nicodemons! I am better off without you! Okay, time for laziness. Have a great week my noodly appendages!
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