I wanted to let you in on a little extra samurai trivia:
On this day the first shogun of Japan was born (1543 – Tokugawa Ieyasu). Also here is a picture of Toshiro Mifune in Sanjuro. Lastly here is a fun samurai flash game I play from time to time with my new air mouse. It's kind of like a 99 cent version of a wii.

Last week I wanted to tell the story of two Koike's. Kazuo Koike is the guy who created Lone Wolf and Cub and Lady Snowblood. Read about him, he's great!! Now the Koike I was originally searching for did these:
January 14, 2008
獣兵衛忍風帖、CCさくら、Aeon Flux、風まかせ 月影蘭はじめの一歩、PARTY7、VAMPIRE HUNTER D TRAVA、アニマトリックス、DEAD LEAVES サムライチャンプルー、スマアニメ、茶の味 獣兵衛忍風帖、CCさくら、Aeon Flux、風まかせ 月影蘭 はじめの一歩、PARTY7、VAMPIRE HUNTER D
TRAVA、アニマトリックス、DEAD LEAVES サムライチャンプルー、スマアニメ、茶の味
I subsequently learned that Koike Takeshi is practicing something called Kanada-Pers or Kanada style of animation/drawing, named after Yoshinori Kanada. You can read more here: http://www.starblazers.com/html.php?page_id=399
. I also found this guy to be quite cool: Katsuhito Akiyama.
But the real news this week for me was finally getting on the Avatar 3d train. And to be honest, it was pretty entertaining, but I feel like I've been on this ride before. No I'm not talking about Fern Gully, Mononoke Hime, or the Smurfs. In general, I mean. I've seen 3d movies. I've seen big industrialists/military vs. earthy people movies. I've also seen game changingcg animation and effects. So, though it had its shining moments it was kind of unsurprising to me. All I really walked away with was a pair of glasses that only work on silver screen projections. I still recommend experiencing it once, I just wish they could get that ticket price down. Y'know now that its the highest grossing movie of all time and all.
In tech geek news:
I'm thinking of buying this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889532005 What do you think? I basically want something to double as a monitor for my Zi6, as well as a cheap portable entertainment device. I just hope the mini usb can read from an adapter, and that the file format restrictions aren't too narrow. I'd love to be able to drop a couple of movies on an sdhc card and watch them on the go. I also hear the battery life is pretty slim. A while ago I had stumbled across a touch screen dvd/divX/mp3 player but I don't recall what the model and make was. Next week I think I'm going to run some roughs of my fantasy PMP/MID. This weekend went pretty fast for me, so I'm thinking this next week will too. Hoping you are getting the most out of your time as well. Namaste my friends.
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