How fitting that today celebrates the birth of two guys whose creations have inspired me to create my own.
In other news, I finally fell in with the Zune crowd and got my own. I am excited to have portable music once again, as well as video. Even now I am syncing episodes of Full Metal Panic and possibly Psych. I may even have to sync some podcasts just for the sake of it.

I actually picked up quite a few things at the library this week: The Tale of One Bad Rat by Bryan Talbot, Goodbye Chunky Rice by Craig Thompson, Kurt Busiek's Astro City: The Tarnished Angel, Paul Chadwick's Concrete: Fragile Creature, Wing Shing Ma's Storm Riders, and JLA: Kid Amazo by Peter Milligan and Carlos D'anda. I just hope there's time to digest everything here.

Monday is Memorial Day, so I'm sure many of you are diggin' into the 3-day weekend as best you can. Maybe you're even out of town. I wish you safe and happy celebrations and a fresh, easy spirit when you return.
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