So this link arrives in my email:
and I immediately call to mind:
luxyferum — May 16, 2007
but even that reminds me of:
Shikamaru250 — May 14, 2008
and leads me somewhat full circle to:
xiyakx — August 30, 2009
Can someone please explain to my brain what the common thread is in these songs?

Yes, sometimes I draw stuff. Don't drool its just Steve Brule. Now go out and make your own technologies.
Random things I did this past week:
1) Bought a cookies and cream shake to sneak into Nightmare on Elm Street
2) Realized tickets were sold out 5 minutes before showtime and 5 minutes after I expertly hid my shake in my inner jacket pocket
3) Broke my air mouse usb receiver while trying to steal internet at work and output streaming video to the conference room hdtv.
4) Found a medium (5.75"x8") soft black cover piccadilly sketchbook for $7; eat that $20 moleskine!
5) snuck a caramel latte into Nightmare on Elm Street with tickets in hand; soon after wished I had just drank it during the car ride home and saved myself $11.
6) sketched Dr. Steve Brule (did you see it?)
This afternoon go and check out:
DHARBIN (Dustin Harbin)
Secret Mystery Diary (Rebecca Clement)
Illustration Friday
Super Mario Crossover
then call it a day.
See you soon.
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