Uploaded on Apr 10, 2011 DjEphixa
I was excited on Monday (5/13) for the Light Grey Art Lab Show. Julie & Britt are both showing. Then Spike tweeted about Attack on Titan and I watched the first episode. I resuscitated a mysterious drawing in SAI. I caught up with some outstanding art posts by my friend Finchiekinstheowl. I glanced at some classic and exceptional dinosaur art. I think the HIMYM season finale aired this week. I still hadn't caught up with Adventure Time nor Strip Search. I did read some What I Did and Seven Soldiers of Victory v2.
Early morning on Tuesday (5/14) I looked back through Roy's Boys and Ice Cream Surfer and decided that Ice Cream Surfer wasn't so bad. I looked through the Infinite Corpse site thanks to Brandon Graham's link from last week. After work I came home and pretty much passed out from exhaustion. It was a hot couple of days.
I learned about Kuli Kuli and Molinga on Wednesday (5/15). I dreamed up a Box (of Alpha Flight) twitter that I could harass Brandon with. Leslie Hung's sketchbook had sold well at TCAF and the orders continued to come in through the week.
Early on Thursday (5/16) I happened to visit The Dollar Bin, and look into Battle Zoo. I read about the AP Justice Dept. scandal and the passing of Richard Swanson, soccer enthusiast. I got home from work and started watching Utena. Rebecca drew a cover for Regular Show! Steven Russel Black lit a fire in my mind for Eurydice the Crowned. I caught up with Ken Niimura's Henshin. I flirted with my Original Wolverine Tumblr idea. I read the rest of Rachael and Penny up to the current strip. I found out about Pink Project via Saichen Teng. Latenight into Friday morning I marathoned Strip Search and went crazy that Lexxy came back!
Lauren, Rachel, and Penny were good twitter pals this week. Dale & Jessi were cuties. I drank a lot of bacardi, and slept early on Tuesday and Wednesday.
On Friday I took some time to right out some good #ff tweets for people very dear to me.
Saturday I got caught up in the hurly burly of Eurovision. Lauren tweeted about Mastering Comics by Jessica Abel and Matt Madden.
Sunday I tried to force myself to draw a Rachael & Penny fan comic, but it was slow coming.
Zakka on pixiv | C. Billedeau on deviantart | Steven Russellblack on deviantart | Ella Bailey | Andrea Kalfas | JJack00 on deviantart | Riikka Auvinen on tumblr | William Gibbons on deviantart | Mamefuk on pixiv | Dark134 on deviant art
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