May 27 - June, 2013; May is over and following close behind Spring gives way to Summer.

It was my first week back at work. I had a lot of things backed up: uploading memorial day weekend pictures, reading a bunch of comics online and in print, doing laundry, cleaning my room etc.getting my haircut.
On Monday (5/27) I was recovering from the weekend in L.A. It was Jordyn Bochon's birthday. I crept along reading Soldiers of Victory v1 and started reading Sam Alden's Eighth Grade. Tuesday (5/28) was kind of a bust for me since I hadn't had much sleep. Work fed us and I came home fairly early and slept till Wednesday morning (5/29). I had "Fine China" playing on loop in the back of my mind so I watched the video and cackled at the ridiculousness. I watched the
Escapist ep w/ Team AmErika. I also bought Rachel an AIO printer after I read she broke hers. Victoria got us all riled up about cookie pizzas. Rachel opened up orders for her Ink Sport Zine. Tumblr changed the orientation of posts. Amber had a late night draw stream.

On Thursday (5/30) I came home from work and had a spectacular nap, and then piddled away on the internet. I got caught up in Shoomlah's Asheron's Call heckler chronicles. Everybody was wishing Gigi and Geneva happy birthday early on Friday (5/31). I read
Sam Alden's Eighth Grade almost in one sitting. On Saturday (6/1) I was up early and watched the new Sanjay & Craig and loved it. There was also an ep of Fairly Odd Parents that had a quasi-racist and then homoerotic joke in it. I did some organizing in my room and unearthed my Video Girl Ai vhs tapes & some dvd's. People were chattering about Matt Smith leaving Doctor Who and who would be the next Doctor. I found out about Unlocking the Truth the most brutal sixth grade band. Later on I cut my hair, and then we had a pool party. I finished Drama, Global Frequency, and read a little AVX. I also caught up with the 2 episodes of Strip Search I hadn't yet seen. I was pretty lazy on Sunday (6/2). Julie finished her poster for Station Zero! I created King of Siam My Bad Comics tumblr. Victoria was warming up on some Amelie drawings. Megan Brennan did another first angel comic. I learned about the Koh I Noor thanks to Jill Thompson. I created a pretty good playlist with Bastille, Justin Timberlake & Samurai Champloo. The Red Wedding happened on Game of Thrones and the whole internet went insane. I started reading Diana Thung's August Moon. This was the week of the 2nd tornado in Oklahoma, Justin Bieber's trouble with Keyshawn Johnson, and much agonizing over my broken backbeat 906's. A lot of people were doing drawings based on Pokemon Fusion.
Molly Stanard's The Boy with the Heart Condition |
Escape from Burgertown by Zac Gorman |
Ladybird's Requiem by Akino Kondoh
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