Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mucha Moanin' Under the Moon

-chomp chomp-
Uploaded by Bibi-de-Bibopof. - Independent web videos.

OH Man! Watching this reminds me of the million years of life I wasted on Mario 64 many moons ago.

Alphonse! Mucha!

December 19, 2007

I want to make love to that bari. Much love for Charlie and his work in general. Edit: This is from 'Nostalgia in Times Square' 1993 - Ronnie Cuber plays the bari.

This week I was consumed with buying some art supplies, a new bag, a new pair of wireless headphones, and an external hard drive. And then a friend of mine showed me a craigslist ad for someone selling A G5 dual preloaded with the entire Adobe CS4 suite, conversion software, dvd mastering software, etc. He wants $800 for the whole thing. What is a guy to do? Meanwhile a Viliv X70 went for under $500 on ebay. Money and material goods are driving me insane!!

I need a sabbattical.

I watched Caprica last night, and will watch BSG 1x11 tonight. A friend also put me up on Let the Right One In. What's everybody's week been like?

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